I’m not gonna talk about washing your hands or social distancing or what you should or shouldn't do physically, because that's all been talked about ad nauseum. But let's about our perception of reality.
With all the news and craziness in the world right now , it’s no wonder many of us, including myself are feeling some level of stress, social awkwardness or down right fear. As I began to notice these things in myself over the weekend, I made an active effort to shift my perception in a more productive and uplifting direction and thought I might share some of my feelings here to break up the doomsday posts we are all seeing.
And as is life and physics with every action there are equal and opposite reactions.
As I decide the best ways to move forward in life and how much to distance socially there are some things I began to notice.
There have been some aspects of everyday life I have wanted to change. My diet, my art, writing more, my home work ethic. My budgeting, chores, my friendships, calling old friends, spending less time doing things that don't serve me. Starting a garden, drinking less, going to bars less, creating less carbon emissions, being less of a consumer, working out more, doing more yoga. Perhaps even…… MEDITATING?
So many of these things have been difficult for me in the typical day to day, because in our privileged “normal” lives it's easy to put off until tomorrow. Suddenly it seems the whole world has woken up overnight.
Carbon emissions have gone down, essentially, in a week. Wouldn't it have been amazing if concerns about global warming had spread as rapidly as the hysteria of Covid-19? Instead it took a coronavirus to curb our travelling, our driving, our factories. But at least the result has been the same. Air testing and satellite imaging worldwide has shown massive pollution reductions.
Consumerism inflicts nearly all of us. We buy too much, we eat more than we should. We waste. And... we know this. But it’s hard to stop. Addiction comes in many forms. I don't wish financial issues on anyone, but perhaps we can make the best of this economic hiccup. Learning how to create fiscally responsible menus and stop letting food to waste is something most would benefit from. No longer buying unnecessary material objects that oftentimes get sent to the landfill in the end will push us a little more in the right direction.
Learning more self sufficiency, planting an edible garden, canning or smoking our own foods, going without some of the conveniences in life will heal not only our need for independence but the planet globally as well.
I’m not saying we should isolate entirely. This time has shoved right in my face, something I've struggled with for a long time. And that is sorting the societal noise. I've begun to realize who I am happy to go without seeing or spending time with, and who I will focus my efforts to keep in touch and communicate with. Dropping toxic and “comfortable” relationships and replacing that time with more intentional interactions. Reaching out to loved ones that it can feel harder to connect with, but that matter the most.
Not all these things are easy, but like ripping off a bandaid, it gets better once its done.
I am not saying this isn't a serious situation. Some people will die, that's a fact. Some of us will know people that get sick. Please follow the recommendations to keep yourself and those around you safe. But those of us that are able, let's do our best to see the positive in the situation.
I know times are tough. I personally have two jobs, one in the tourism industry working on boats (obviously taking a hit) and as a photographer (also slowing as people cancel their photoshoots in Hawaii due to travel restrictions and economic hiccups). I have friends and family hit as bad or worse than me. I have friends in mandatory quarantine and worse. :(
This new and likely temporary way of life, full of buzzwords like, social distancing, self isolation, quarantine, flattening the curve, and social responsibility, doesn't have to get us down. We can remain socially responsible while also feeling good about our personal direction. Perhaps once this all settles down. We will move forward with a new appreciation for the lives we’ve had, how comfy and easy it has been.
Anyway that's my opinion. Thanks for reading.